The TIGERS project aims to raise youth workers’ awareness of gender equality, gender stereotypes, and gender empowerment and storytelling. Storytelling, in the Tigri project, is viewed as the use of a wide range of artistic forms/creative practices (this includes visual art, sound art, literary art, performing art, and new media) to explore, un-derstand, represent, and challenge lived experiences. It is a powerful ‘cultural’ and ‘communication’ tool to convey facts, opinions, ideas, and feelings to the audience to arouse their imagination, empathy, and aspiration. Creative methods and storytelling can be effectively used as empowerment and advocacy tools: the experience of “telling creatively” one’s experiences and perceptions, conversely, promotes healing and empowerment. This will be achieved through the implementation of bespoke creativity-based educational methodology informed by arts and culture-based pedagogies.
The methodology and content have been tailored to each partner Consortium member country and the creative specialisms. The Consortium has worked together to create a toolkit full of activities and materials that raise awareness of the prevalence of gender stereotypes, gender discrimination, and women empowerment and how these issues can link to storytelling and women’s expression as tools of women’s emancipation. The resources are designed and differentiated between the ages of 14- 29 and 20-34.
Youth workers and social, and cultural organizationstion can play a key role in educating youth women on gender equality issues. Politics, families, parents and carers also play a key role in educating on what can be potentially sensitive themes. Research conducted by the TIGERS consortium has detected youth workers need to feel confident approaching this complex topic.
Hence, the project’s core aim is to strengthen the confidence of youth and social professionals and volunteers working with young women interested in exploring gender equality and women empowerment in their working setting. In addition, the pilot actions provide youth workers with an idea of how to explore these themes through a range of arts and cultural practices.
The training scheme detailed below is an opportunity to raise youth workers and educators’ awareness of these issues and to empower them with resources and learning materials to aid in the ongoing journey to champion gender equality and women empowerment. The content that follows is informed by TIGERS research and project resources, which can be found on the Tigers Platform.
This Training scheme speaks to youth professionals who are keenly eager to build on information and ideas outlined in the TIGERS Methodology. It is designed to be worked through with a facilitator in groups either in person or online. It aims to raise youth workers awareness of gender equality issues and women empowerment and how this relates to supporting, educating and emancipating young women.
The program comprises five separate modules and three annexes (annex 1 the Vocabulary ; annex 2 Facilitatior Checklist ; annex 3 Tools&Resources) which should be worked through consecutively. Starting from the theoretical and personal, the modules work through to the more practical and contextually specific. Each module includes break-out group discussion questions, topics and case studies, and opportunities for self-reflection.
To start, Module 1 focuses on our own views on gender, identity and human empowerment. Participants will reflect on their perception of gender equality and acquaint themselves with the corresponding basic terminology through discussion, self-reflection and an exchange of ideas. Participants will consider their local and national context in terms of government, education, and third-sector organization initiatives. This includes but is not limited to policies, practices, projects, events, and campaigns, that raise awareness of gender equality issues and women empowerment and/or work towards women’s empowerment. Finally, participants will start to consider how gender equality, women empowerment and storytelling, and related themes are relevant and/or explored in their professional context. In groups, participants will discuss 4 case studies, then conduct a mapping exercise to outline the good practices and actions already being taken in their organization in terms of curriculum, resources, and community engagement. The module will finish with a quick self-reflection activity.
Module 2-5 introduces and outlines the workshops designed and implemented by the partners in each country. The facilitator will detail the aims, objectives, activities, and resources to be used in the pilot action and signpost other arts-based and cultural activities and resources created by other TIGERS partners. In particular:
Italy | Austria | Serbia | Slovenia | Germany
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project unleashing
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