Topics: Personal stories, memories and self-narration.
The workshop doesn’t directly address genderrelated
terms, altough it can be a very useful tool for
self-narration (self-narration, in the Tigri project, is viewed as a form of autobiographical expression through artistic
forms/creative practices, that focus on the self and on the construction of identity, mostly through
a reflection on the inner workings of memory and lived experiences and how the latter is deeply
entangled with the sense of who we are. Self-narration is an evocative expression that allows the idea
of subjectivity and of introspection) and empowering young women to
speak up. By the definition, oral history is a method
of conducting interviews, most often for the purposes
of historical research, between an interviewee with
personal experience of historically significant events
and an interviewer, with the goal of adding to the
historical record. In this way, the methodology can
be useful for gathering information and testimonies
from women who witnessed important historical
events and thus can help to tell women’s history and
their perception of certain events and phenomena
in society. This methodology directly provides space
for women to (publicly) talk about things that are
important to them.
By: Irena Čučković
Time: 2 hours.
Artistic Method
The workshop consists of two parts – theoretical and practical work. In
the first part, through a presentation, participants are introduced to the
basics of oral history methodology, the interviewing process, technical
aspects, ethical issues, and the like. In the second part of the workshop, the
participants through a one-hour practical work, in groups of two, make an
interview simulation applying the learned methodology. At the end of the
practical part, space was left for additional questions and comments from
the participants.
The goal of the activity is to provide youth workers with a new tool in their
work with young women, but at the same time it can also serve them in their work with other social groups. The goal of applying this methodology
in the work of youth workers after the end of the project is reflected in the
possibility that they can give young women the opportunity to tell their side
of the recent historical events that they experienced.
Required for this session
Sticky notes and pens, laptop and projector, optionally recording equipment
(mobile phones will be enough), Power Point presentation prepared in
Activity breakdown:
- Introduction with the participants.
- Presentation – introduction with the concept of oral history; interviewing
process; practical tips for working in the field; recording techniques;
ethical issues; examples of good practice; use of the material in art; use
of the method in youth work with women; Q&A. - Practical work – simulation of interviews between participants.
Wrap up:
Finally, it should be noted that the methodology of oral history, in addition to the purpose of collecting material for research purposes, can be a valuable source of material for later artistic processing. True human stories collected in this way can become inspiration for the creation of performances, plays, music, poetry, visual installations and so on.